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  1. You are testing software that controls the amount of water sprayed by an automatic sprinkler
    system. The amount to be sprayed in an hour is determined by the weather conditions for the
    previous 3 days. The weather conditions can be either sunny, cloudy or rainy. The maximum
    amount of water will be sprayed if the previous conditions were sunny, sunny, sunny. No water
    will be sprayed if there were two rainy days in the previous three days. Varying amounts will be
    sprayed depending on the mix of the previous days. For example, rainy, sunny, sunny will get
    more water than sunny, cloudy, rainy.
    The software also determines the type of spray to use based on the type of grass being
    sprayed. There are five different categories of grasses that are supported.
    By applying equivalence partitioning to the weather conditions, how many test cases will be
    needed to cover the weather conditions and spray types?
    a. 9
    b. 15
    c. 21
    d. 27

    Do you have answer for this question, if yes then please give answer with explanation.

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